
내 사진
I'm SeolHee Park. I'm 17 :)I'm a student. nice to meet you! https://twitter.com/#!/Hellowsh

2012년 2월 12일 일요일


Who is it?? I don't know they!!
I found that photos in my computer!!!!!!!
What's going on here?
Strange computer!


I love accessories. But I do not have accessories (earrings, one or two ..) Ah! In Hongdae last time I bought a cute bracelet. Orange and green, and cute Cubic-studded bracelet. It is 8,000 won. To be honest it was not necessary. But I bought. Money was earlier. But the future seems to be useful. Haha. Anyway, I like the accessories. While cleaning the room and found a fake pearl. I made ​​a ring to it. Pictures here.

Is it cute? hehe
But I lost it and still could not find: (
so sad...!

And this pic is Bracelet.

hehe :D